Tuesday, September 3, 2024

LETHAL STANDOFF by Bestselling Author, DiAnn Mills

Fiction, romance, and suspense at its best! I expected an adventure but got more than I bargained for! Carrington Reed is a hostage negotiator. When 15 hostages are held by Will and Boyd Kendrix the unexpected happens, and the story takes off with these amazing characters that I want to know all about. Levi Ehrlich is an investigative reporter who covered some of Carrington's previous negotiations. He is a hero to look up to. He is talented, brave, and has to overcome challenges in his life, as does Carrington. 

This story is set in Texas, and I felt as though I was there. The characters are layered and interesting. The plot keeps rolling on and surprising me—such a satisfying read. 

LETHAL STANDOFF is well-written, fabulously researched, and painstakingly delivered onto the page. I always thought that the last novel that DiAnn shared was her best, but somehow, she delivered again, and my opinion upgraded to selecting LETHAL STANDOFF as DiAnn’s new best novel!

I loved the intricate way this story shares struggling families and a heroine and hero who shows a depth of caring for their welfare and risks all to serve and protect. The world needs more heroines and heroes like the ones I grew to care about as I read DiAnn’s novel. This is an author who knows the depth of human intentions, pain, motivations, and courage. I highly recommend LETHAL STANDOFF, and if you are like me—you will have a difficult time putting it down. You might want to schedule a pizza night!  ; )

DiAnn is a fabulous teacher, leader, writer, and friend. She weaves her genuine goodness and intelligence into stories that encourage, challenge, and deliver entertainment. This novel would be the perfect gift for a loved one. A grateful heart will always remember receiving a novel like LETHAL STANDOFF

I have one criticism . . . I want a second book with these characters because I already miss them!

You may find DiAnn Mills at  https://diannmills.com/ where you can sign up for her newsletter and discover more about her events and, of course, her other novels! 


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