Sunday, June 23, 2024

The Book of Luke From the Founder's BIBLE & The Founder's BIBLE, Signature Historian DAVID BARTON

 I'm caught up in the mundane this month! Those summer projects like painting walls and going through closets and stuff to decide what to keep and what to not . . . and I had the pleasure of listening to the book of LUKE from my NKJV Audio Bible. Personally, I love to hold the books I read and flip through the pages while reading my Bible. But this time, I mostly listened as I painted our small bathroom and drank in the wonder of Jesus' earthly ministry. I do love to read a parable or chapter of the Bible. That is really good, but it gave me a whole new perspective to listen intently to the entire book of LUKE. No distractions or mind wandering—just hearing the Word.

Sometimes, when I'm reading the Bible, I notice a theme that touches me personally. Does that happen to you, too? This time, the noticeable theme was having faith in Him. 
When Jesus said, "Oh you of little faith . . ." or when He taught about some aspect of faith, my heart burned within me. Sometimes, I get so caught up in the petty, unimportant details and worry. That nasty five-letter word! I bet that you can relate to this. When we notice the whine, we need to run. Run and open the Bible and allow our spirit to settle, our minds to expand, and our worship to flow freely. 

I also benefit greatly from my other hand-held Bibles. 
The Founders' BIBLE shown above is one of my favorites. It's my most beautiful Bible, though the message is as pure and holy as my other versions. Included are references to great men from America's Revolutionary period--those who loved the Lord and the Bible and sacrificed much to form our government and make a nation where people can thrive and find Him. 

I hope that you will be inspired to take a l o n g read or listen to a book of the Bible. And then another and another. You will be blessed beyond your highest expectations! And you will also be a blessing to others. Doing the l o n g listen brought peace and joy to the forefront of my thoughts and heart. Somehow, I believe it will do the same for you!

I wish you happy reading or l o n g listening <3

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