Tuesday, January 28, 2020

long walk home by DiAnn Mills

DiAnn held me spellbound as she led me to Sudan with her novel, long walk home. What intrigued me most about this story was the emotional investment that DiAnn obviously spent to share the very real struggles of people from three different cultures in the face of civil war. Getting to know the complex main characters: Paul Farid, Dr. Larson Kerr, Colonel Ben Alier, and Nyok opened my heart to the people they represent in a memorable way.

This story was full of surprise and unexpected angles that were engaging and thought-provoking. long walk home is well written, captivating, and inspiring. I love the hope and struggle that DiAnn weaves throughout the characters’ challenges with expertise that seems easy to create. I couldn’t put this novel down, and I challenge you to say differently! Yes, this is a tale that put my boots on the ground and my heart on the line. This story has everything--entertaining to informative and heart-rending. Knowing that people live under extreme fear, oppression, and strife while we live in very safe locations is eye-opening.

DiAnn asks her readers to pray for the Sudanese. Their struggles are real and overwhelming, and thankfully we have a God who can answer prayers for people an ocean span away that will affect eternity for so many! I found the scripture DiAnn chose to introduce this story quite fitting, “We are hard-pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed."    2 Corinthians 4:8-9 

DiAnn Mills is an award-winning spunky writer who I am honored to recommend! Find out more about this very author-reader engaged writer on her website, https://diannmills.com/.

I found DiAnn's A Note from the Author so excellent and informative that I do not offer an interview with her at this time. May her account of how her novel came about thrill your heart too! 

Thank you, DiAnn, for how you share and encourage others along their journey!

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