Friday, May 15, 2015

Room - For An Excellent Book!

Tea Time Ladies - Some of us have read this book and others are planning to! 
Pen's of Praise Writers Group have read it and enjoyed it also! 
We are all looking to read more from James L. Rubart! 
Need I say more...Well, okay, let me just tell you this...

A novel by James L. Rubart

James Rubart’s tale reaches the very heart of the reader. It is smooth, seamless really, in his delivery of an unforgettable story. You will either love Rooms or not, but I must say there is no middle ground. How does this sound for an intriguing plot…

Seattle software tycoon, Micah Taylor, discovers that the house of his inheritance, left to him by an uncle he never knew, is a physical manifestation of his very soul.

Micah Taylor’s life takes on twists and turns, which never left me stranded or confused.  But I was very curious throughout Micah’s story. The richness of Rubart’s characters, setting, and mystery kept me ever unbalanced and groping for that next turn of the page. I’ve never encountered a novel that caused me to examine myself so deeply and one that softened my heart so gently as this one did. In my opinion, this is the epitome of what fiction should be.

Rooms—should you read it or shouldn’t you? Is it a novel for anyone? Yes, read it and yes, if you give room to Rooms you will never be the same…in a good way! When I contacted James Rubart and asked if he would allow me to interview him and offer a book give-a-way, he was most gracious. I had already loaned my copy to a young man, so I mentioned that I’d send him questions after the holiday. Easter vacation came and went and I’d asked the young man if he’d read Rooms or if he was in the process of reading Rubart’s story. He’d not started the read yet, so I said to him, “Don’t crack that book open—if you do you won’t give it back to me  to do this interview/report/give away!” He laughed…he didn’t realize how serious I was!

I’ve told my friends and Pens of Praise Writer’s and Reader’s Group about this novel. Many of them have now read Rooms and I’ve not heard anyone say that they didn’t like it. One friend’s husband couldn’t put it down and yes, he read it straight through. Once a person discovers the curiosity of this read, the sheer delight, or heart pounding concern for the characters…especially Micah Taylor…I imagine they will put it on their re-read shelf and write it in their ‘tell the world about it list’…just as I have.

I’ve never read a novel like this one…and yes, I do hope to do so again.
Rooms is most definitely one of my favorite novels of all time and I know it will always be so. How do I know this…I know it because I gave it a chance and I was delightfully pleased at time well spent. Thank you James L. Rubart for this amazing read!

At the end of this novel are fifteen discussion questions, which would be a wonderful tool for a reading group to enjoy.


  1. You've sparked my curiosity for sure! Sounds like a great book. I use to love reading the same book with the girls in my book club years ago. And I always loved questions at the end for discussion!

    Have a great weekend,

    1. Hi Mary (Saleslady371) This is an amazing read! I hope you do check it out!

  2. Now you have me curious about this one! I'll look for it. You did a great book review and made us all want to read it my friend. Happy weekend! Hugs, Diane

  3. Hi Diane!
    I’ve just returned from the Write To Publish conference! Woo Hoo! I never had time to get on my puter because of the critique groups and writer connections so here I am! I thank you for such a wonderful complement! I adore your blog and LOVE to stop there to see what you’re up to next! You always make life fun!  Thank you always for stopping in Diane!
