Monday, February 10, 2025


Wednesday, February 12, 2025
1:30 – 3:00 p.m
4Given Coffee Shop    
1034 S 18th St, Manitowoc, WI 54220
Room 204 -3 on the second floor (Past the green chairs!)
How convenient—grab a coffee or tea at the 4Given Coffee shop (and a Danish if you’d like) and attend the meeting in the conference room, which is located on the 2nd floor.

Thank you, Naomi, for all the behind-the-scenes assistance that you provide! We appreciate you!  
 facilitated by Susan Marlene & guided by all of those attending. :) Don’t want to get stuck when writing your story? That would be peachy, but many of us fall into the mire of where my characters go from here and who are they really. I’ve wandered around in my first attempts at writing stories before and it isn’t fun. This past year I admit to getting stuck in the mire and not knowing my characters well enough to proceed. Then I remembered to go back to the basics and revisit a book on writing called GMC GOAL, MOTIVATION, & CONFLICT by Debra Dixon. Ideas started firing! I’m focused. I’m back! Hooray!

How about your project? I will plop down some helpful strategies and show you Debra’s book (one I believe every author should use) for navigating and creating characters and plot. Then let’s dig in and see what everyone is working on and wants help with. The great thing about GMC is that no matter what kind of writer you are (plotter or seat-of-the-pants), this book has direction for you and lots of mileage on successfully published stories influenced by these goal, motivation, and conflict principles. 

So we will keep back time from teaching for anyone who wants to bounce some ideas or brainstorm their work in progress—if they want to.  

We will try to get to everyone's projects, but we must work within the time allotted. I appreciate the wisdom of our group who honestly and kindly worked together to help and inspire one another!

Be ready to learn some great info from each other and have a lot of fun!
PROMPT: 2025 Goals to bring a good start!
Pens meetings are free and encouraging! We hope to see you there! 

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to contact Susan Marlene@

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

AUTHOR INTERVIEW about INTENTIONAL FIRES, Book Two of Sunrise Crik Series by Rebecca McLafferty



Rebecca gently pulled me into INTENTIONAL FIRES but then snatched my concern with a memorable scene from the past that offered a firm base for the story that unfolds. Toni Stevens is a single mom who runs her tree farm and financially provides for her children, mother, and tree farm workers during a difficult time. Fires and tree theft are wreaking havoc on her land, and Toni must find the courage to discover who is sabotaging her family's future. 

U.S. Forest Service Special Agent Sam Duncan, Toni's fiancĂ©, has a dangerous job. Not only is he trying to connect with one of his fiancĂ©'s sons, who isn't interested in accepting him, but he is actively investigating possible arson, where someone perished in the fire. As he moves deeper into the forest, he faces other dangers. Drug runners are busy protecting their products from anyone who would get in their way. 

The main characters are strong and grow stronger as they meet each new disaster and challenge Rebecca brings to life with pen and paper. The character's struggles make them feel like personal friends. The thread of family history, unity, joy, and pain makes this novel a rich read for me.  I encourage you to check it out, too. 

Characters from INTENTIONAL HEIRS, Book One of the Sunrise Crik Series, were an added adventure and delight. INTENTIONAL FIRES was well-written. The tension kept me turning pages, and the hidden reason behind everything that happened in this story took me by surprise at the very end. What a satisfying and well-researched novel. The theme of INTENTIONAL FIRES is about overcoming your past. Certainly, it is a read worth visiting and revisiting.

Who do you trust? Who is worth trusting? Those questions circled my thoughts as I read INTENTIONAL FIRES, Book Two of the Sunrise Crik Series. I love a novel that inspires my soul and one that I can relate to. I couldn't wait to share my review of this novel with you.

Author Interview with Rebecca McLafferty

When I reviewed your interview from INTENTIONAL HEIRS, I realized how interesting those answers would be for those who stop in and visit my website for this INTENTIONAL FIRES interview! So, let’s delve into some fresh questions for Book Two of your SUNRISE CRIK series!
Question: What is your favorite inspiration for overcoming? This could be a scripture, or experience, or both! 
Answer: That's a tough question! There are so many wonderful verses! One of my all-time favorites is Proverbs 3:5-6. It says, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart,And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths."
I love that verse for multiple reasons. It reminds me that I am not in control; my God is. If I'm in the middle of something that I can't make sense of, or I've run into a roadblock, it probably means I'm trying to do something by myself. I need to turn my focus onto God for clarity, understanding, and guidance.

Question: Did someone you know (or read about) inspire you to create a character for this novel?
Answer: Yes and yes! :) I read a few years ago about a mother and daughter who were working together, trying to save their family tree farm. That idea intrigued me. With the Sunrise Crik Series being set in Montana, the venue was perfect. My husband and I had planted acres of Christmas trees on our alpaca farm, so we had first-hand knowledge about the process. I researched Christmas tree farms to make sure the details were completely accurate. I love Christmas trees! And I have great memories of searching for and cutting down that "perfect" tree. (Side note: In my cozy farm store, I kept a Christmas corner decorated year-round, a tree included.)
Question: What is the greatest benefit for the person who forgives someone who wronged them—in your opinion?
Answer: I learned years ago that a person who has been wronged is likely to experience turmoil over the situation. That angst can last the remainder of their life. The issue can become obsessive or blown out of proportion. Often, the person who did the wrong-doing has either forgotten about it or never paid much attention to the offense in the first place. When the victim forgives the offender, they remove a bitter burden from their own heart. The lifting of that burden can be life-changing.
Question: Why do you write novels and devotions?
Answer: I write so people can experience walking in the shoes of my characters. Plant Christmas trees! Climb mountain paths! Ride an all-terrain vehicle across bumpy ground! How do characters relate to one another and how do they face problems? As my characters grow in their relationship with Jesus, I pray that my readers will do the same. It is my goal that they will not only be captivated by the story's plot, but they will be reassured that God loves them regardless of their faults. God will forgive all wrongdoings and He yearns for us--His children--to have a relationship with our Savior, Jesus.

Question: What is your favorite drink to sip on and favorite snack that gives you energy when writing?
Answer: Wow, how long can this list be? Just kidding. My morning go-to is sipping coffee while nibbling on Belvita Breakfast Biscuits. In the afternoon, I switch from coffee to either herbal tea or water. I try not to snack much in the afternoon. A midday pickup might be trail mix or mixed nuts. (Disclaimer: I try not to eat chocolate until after supper, but temptations may possibly--very occasionally--come in the form of a Snickers bar.) 
Question: What do you love about your writing journey?
Answer: Almost everything! I love looking back to where I started. It truly has been a journey. Christian friends have grown together, nurturing our writing passion and developing into lifelong friendships. I've learned through writers' groups, conferences, and hands-on experience. God has always been my rock, opening doors and closing others. The only thing better than worshipping God is worshipping Him with like-minded writers! I love learning and when something new is a challenge, and then it works--whaala! That's a great feeling. I'm excited about what lies ahead and what impact we will make.
Thank you so much for allowing me this author interview. It's been such fun!
Rebecca, thank you for taking the time to share such a wonderful interview!

Here is my review link for INTENTIONAL HEIRS, Book One of the Sunrise Crik series:
You will want to really check out the author interview following my book review of INTENTIONAL HEIRS!

You may find out more about Rebecca McLafferty and be advised of her next novel offerings at:

P.S. Such a perfect cover by Roseanna White Designs